New Cash Centre

Cash is an important part of your freedom to choose how to pay and essential for the financial inclusion of all groups in society. The Eurosystem Cash Strategy aims to ensure that the euro remains widely available, accessible and accepted as a means of payment. As a member of the Eurosystem, the Central Bank of Ireland is committed to ensuring the availability of cash and supporting access to cash.
In 2022, following a strategic review of our cash centre operations, the Central Bank decided to develop a new cash centre in an alternative location in the Dublin area, and to dispose of its current site in Sandyford. The existing buildings in Sandyford were built in the 1970’s, and are not fit for the long term.
The Central Bank has purchased a new site in Balseskin, Fingal, on which it plans to develop its new cash centre. Designing and developing a cash centre is a complex process given the complex nature of the facility. It will take a number of years to design the new cash centre, obtain planning permission and construct the buildings. We expect the timeline for when construction will start to become clearer in 2026, and we continue to expect that it will take at least seven years before the new cash centre in Balseskin is operational.
Our cash centre operations in Sandyford will continue to operate unchanged until the new facility in Balseskin is built, and during this period, the Central Bank will be engaging with the Land Development Agency regarding the disposal of the Sandyford site.
Over the coming years, the Central Bank will engage with all our stakeholders, including our new community in Balseskin who we look forward to building close relationships with in the coming years.
The new cash centre will underpin the future availability of cash in Ireland. It represents a significant investment by the Central Bank, funded by the Bank’s own resources, and demonstrates the Bank’s continuing commitment to supporting cash as a means of payment.