Frontier Statistics: Total Domestic Credit

A view of domestic lending through the Central Credit Register (CCR) – June 2024


The Total Domestic Credit Frontier Statistics present data on the total amount of personal and business loans in Ireland which are included in the Central Credit Register (CCR), and a breakdown of loans by borrower, lender and loan type.

Total Credit figures are compiled from the CCR, a database containing records of loans and loan applications of over €500 borrowed by Irish residents or governed by Irish law. These statistics provide additional context to the Irish credit landscape alongside the Central Bank of Ireland Official Credit and Banking Statistics. Notable differences between these statistics may be explained in the explanatory notes.

Key Observations

  • Banks are the largest providers of domestic loans to individuals. The majority of these loans relate to mortgage lending on the borrower’s Principal-Dwelling Home (PDH).
  • Non-banks play an important role in the provision of business loans to individuals, and are the main providers of some specific loan types (see below).
  • Credit unions are the largest providers of consumer installment loans to individuals.

Overview - Total Credit

Key Indicator - Total Domestic Credit

The outstanding credit advanced to Irish households and businesses in June 2024 was €219.1bn

Total credit generally remains steady from month to month.

Total credit outstanding (€ bn)

Point plot of total outstanding credit per month for January 2023 to June 2024. The trend remains steady, and the total outstanding credit in June 2024 is 219.1bn Euro.

Overview - Borrowers and Lenders

Banks are the largest lenders, and individual personal loans make up the largest loans.

Total credit by lender and borrower type (June 2024)

Sankey diagram demonstrating the value of loans by lender and borrower. It shows that Banks are the largest lenders, lending 137.9bn Euro of the 219.1bn Euro of total credit. Individual personal credit is the largest borrower type, borrowing 132.8bn Euro.

The largest credit transactions take place between banks and individuals in loans for their personal use.

Total credit transactions by lender and borrower type (June 2024)

Chord diagram showing the flow of credit from lenders to borrowers. The flow from banks to individual personal credit holders is the largest single transaction between lenders and borrowers.


Key Indicator - Average Individual Debt

Average individual debt per capita in Ireland is €25,414 (June 2024)

Key Indicator - Home Mortgage Loans

The outstanding amount of Principal-dwelling home mortgage loans to individuals is €104 billion (June 2024)

The majority of loans (60%) are individual personal loans which includes Principal-Dwelling Home (PDH) mortgages, loans for personal consumption as well as other loan types to individuals.

Outstanding debt by borrower type (June 2024)

Gauge plot of the percentage of debt by borrower type - Companies, individual personal credit and individual business credit. Individual personal credit comprises 60% of the total credit (132.8bn Euro), while companies hold 34% (74bn Euro) and 6% (12.3bn Euro) is attributed to individual business credit.

Principal Dwelling Home (PDH) mortgages comprise the largest type of individual loan by value.

Loan type

Percentage of total

Mortgage – Principal Dwelling Home (PDH)


Personal Installment Loan


Mortgage – Buy to Let (BTL)


Hire Purchase (excl. personal contract plans)


Credit Card


Personal Contract Plans




Credit by Lender Type

Total Credit by Lender Type (June 2024)

Gauge plot of the percentage of credit by lender - Bank, Non-Bank, Government and Credit Union. Banks lend 63% of the total credit (137.9bn Euro), non-banks hold 28% (60.1bn Euro), Government holds 6% (13.6bn Euro) and 3% (7.5bn Euro) is attributed to Credit Unions.

Banks are providing most of the credit in the economy and these proportions have been static in recent months.

Total Credit by Lender Type

Bar plot showing the proportion of credit by lender type from January 2023 - June 2024. The lender types are Bank, Non-Bank, Government and Credit Union. The proportions have remained steady, with Banks dominating total credit, followed by Non-Banks, Government and Credit Unions.

Credit by Borrower Type

Non-banks play a far greater role in providing credit to companies than to individuals.

Outstanding debt by lender and borrower type (June 2024)

Horizontal bar plot of the percentage of debt by lender and borrower type. For each borrower (Companies, Individual personal credit and individual business credit), there is a bar breaking down the proportion of credit into lenders - Bank, Non-Bank, Government and Credit Union. While banks dominate lending in individual personal credit (72.6 %), non-banks provide 52.8% of credit in individual business credit, and 34.7% to companies - larger than the 21% for individual personal credit.

Individual Personal Credit

Banks dominate the market in individual personal loans.

Total individual personal lending by lender type (June 2024)

Donut plot of the percentage of credit per lender type for individual personal credit. It is broken down into the proportion of credit given by lenders - Bank, Non-Bank, Government and Credit Union. Banks provide 72.6% of credit, at 96.4bn Euro, followed by non-banks (21%, 27.9bn Euro), credit unions (5.5%, 7.4bn Euro) and Government (0.9%, 1.1bn Euro).

Company Credit

Non-banks play a relatively greater role in lending to companies.

Total lending to companies by lender type (June 2024)

Donut plot of the percentage of credit per lender type for companies. It is broken down into the proportion of credit given by lenders - Banks, Non-Banks and Government. Banks provide 51% of credit, at 38bn Euro, followed by non-banks (35%, 25.7bn Euro), and Government (14%, 10.3bn Euro).

Individual Business Credit

Non-banks are the dominant providers of individual business loans.

Total individual business lending by lender type (June 2024)

Donut plot of the percentage of credit per lender type for individual business credit. It is broken down into the proportion of credit given by lenders - Bank, Non-Bank, and Government and Credit Union. Non-Banks provide 3% of credit, at 6.52bn Euro, followed by banks (29%, 3.55bn Euro), Government (17%, 2.16bn Euro), and credit unions (1%, 0.13bn Euro).

Principal-Dwelling Home (PDH) mortgage loans

Banks are the dominant holders of Principal-Dwelling Home (PDH) mortgage loans.

Total Principal-Dwelling Home (PDH) mortgage loans by lender type (June 2024)

Gauge plot of the percentage of Principal-Dwelling Home (PDH) mortgage loans by lender - Bank, Non-Bank, Government and Credit Union. Banks lend 82.2% of the total mortgage credit (85.13bn Euro), non-banks hold 16.1% (16.73bn Euro), Governments hold 1.1% (1.09bn Euro) and 0.6% (0.67bn Euro) is attributed to Credit Unions.

Personal Installment Loans

However, Credit Unions are the dominant providers of personal installment loans.

Total personal installment loans by lender type (June 2024)

Gauge plot of the percentage of personal loans by lender - Bank, Non-Bank, Government and Credit Union. Credit Unions dominate with 57.4% of personal loans (6.68bn Euro), followed by banks (30.9%, 3.6bn Euro), non-banks (11.3%, 1.32bn Euro) and Government (0.4%, 0.05bn Euro).


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