Fund Service Providers Overview

Funds service providers is the collective term used to describe the parties providing services to a fund/collective investment scheme.

Such services providers include:

The process for authorisation or approval of each type of fund service provider and its subsequent regulation is set out under the individual category.

Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.0

The Central Bank Taxonomy introduces XBRL versions of the PRISM Impact Metrics Data return (‘PIMD’) and FINREP return(s) currently submitted on the Central Bank Portal by investment firms / fund service providers. The taxonomy package for version 2.0 is published below, alongside further information on XBRL and sample files.

Central Bank of Ireland Business Rules v2.0 | xls 1124 KB Central Bank Taxonomy Xbrl File Upload Guidance | pdf 2352 KB Central Bank Taxonomy 2.0 Publication | zip 3223 KB XBRL Links | pdf 218 KB C333002_20200331_PIMD.xbrl | xbr 9 KB C333002_20201231_FINREP_P_AAA.xbrl | xbr 345 KB

Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.0.1

The Central Bank of Ireland taxonomy has been updated to fix a filing indicators issue on the Central Bank Portal. The latest taxonomy 2.0.1 version is published below.

Central Bank Taxonomy 2.0.1 Publication | zip 2860 KB

Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.1

The Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.1 introduces an XBRL version of the Monthly Metrics Return (‘MMR’) currently submitted on the Central Bank Portal by authorised UCITS Management Companies and AIFM’s approved to perform individual portfolio management services. The taxonomy package for version 2.1 is published below, alongside the associated business rules and sample file.

Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.1 Publication | zip 3647 KB Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.1 Business Rules | xls 16 KB C333002_20211130_MMR | xbr 20 KB

Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.1.1

The Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.1.1 introduces a new ‘Unregulated Turnover’ data point on the ‘Client Assets’ template (PM_04.00) within the PRISM Impact Metrics Data return, as well as fixing an issue within the FINREP+ suite of returns whereby a number of data points were being duplicated within certain templates in the FINREP+ returns. The taxonomy package for version 2.1.1 is published below, alongside the associated business rules and sample files. 

Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.1.1 | zip 7474 KB Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.1.1 Business Rules | xls 30 KB C50001_20230630_PIMD | xbr 3 KB C50001_20230630_FINREP_P_QMA | xbr 6 KB

Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.2.1

 The Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.2.1 introduces a new XBRL version of the ICAAP Return. Fund Services Providers that have a requirement to submit the ICAAP Return will be required to submit the XBRL version of the return for reporting dates starting 31 December 2023 onward. The taxonomy package for taxonomy version 2.2.1 is published below, alongside the associated business rules and sample XBRL file. 

Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.2.1 | zip 6282 KB Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.2.1 Business Rules | xlsx 7 KB C123456_20231231_ICA | xbrl 96 KB

Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.2.2

The latest version of Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.2.2 introduces an updated datapoint within the FINREP+ suite of returns (details explained in the ChangeLog within the below taxonomy package). Investment Firms will be required to use the new version of the taxonomy from the 31 March 2024 reporting period onward when submitting a FINREP+ return type. The taxonomy package for taxonomy version 2.2.2 is published below, alongside the associated business rules and sample file. 

Central Bank of Ireland 2.2.2 Taxonomy | zip 10178 KB Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.2.2 Business Rules | xlsx 21 KB C123456_20240101_FINREP_P_AAA | xbrl 370 KB

Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.3

The Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.3 introduces new XBRL versions of a number of existing returns for Fund Service Providers, as follows:

  • Minimum Capital Requirement
  • Minimum Capital Requirement - Depositary
  • Minimum Capital Requirement - AIFMs & UCITS Managers
  • Non-Irish Authorised Funds Quarterly Assets Under Administration
  • Non-Irish Authorised Funds Quarterly Assets Under Custody
  • Non-Irish Authorised Funds Quarterly Assets Under Management
  • Own Funds Requirement - Fund Administrator

The new taxonomy also introduces a number of updates to the ICAAP Report, details of which can be found in the Change Log within the below taxonomy package. The taxonomy package for version 2.3 is published below, alongside the associated business rules and sample files.

Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.3 | zip 11627 KB Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.3 AD Business Rules | xlsx 14 KB Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.3 CR Business Rules | xlsx 44 KB Sample files | zip 16 KB

Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.3.1

The Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.3.1 introduces updates to a number of existing returns for Fund Service Providers, as follows:

  • ICAAP Report
  • Monthly Metrics Return Xbrl

The details of the updates within the new taxonomy can be found in the Change Log within the below taxonomy package. The taxonomy package for version 2.3.1 is published below, alongside the associated validation rules and sample files. You will also find a list of validation rules within the CBI Taxonomy that are currently deactivated.

Central Bank of Ireland Taxonomy 2.3.1 | zip 12276 KB Central Bank of Ireland CBI 2.3.1 ICAAP Validation Rules | xlsx 15 KB Central Bank of Ireland CBI 2.3.1 MMR Validation Rules | xlsx 13 KB Sample Files | zip 7 KB Deactivated Validation Rules | xlsx 152 KB