Regulation of Lobbying


The Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 which came into effect on 1 September 2015, provides that the Standards in Public Office Commission will establish and maintain an online Register of Lobbying activity.
The purpose of the register is to make information available to the public on the identity of those communicating with designated public officials on specific policy, legislative matters or prospective decisions. Lobbyists must report on their interactions with the Designated Public Officials.

Section 6(4) of the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 requires each public body to publish a list showing the name, grade and brief details of the role and responsibilities of each "Designated Public Official" of the body.

The purpose of the list is twofold:

  • To allow members of the public identify those persons who are Designated Public Officials; and 
  • To act as a resource for lobbyists filing a return to the Register who may need to source a Designated Public Official’s details.

Designated Public Officials

The Designated Public Officials for the Central Bank of Ireland under this legislation are set out below:

Name Job Title/Responsibility  
Gabriel Makhlouf Governor
Gabriel Makhlouf took up his position as Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland on 1 September 2019. He chairs the Central Bank Commission, is a member of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank, a member of the European Systemic Risk Board, and is Ireland's Alternate Governor at the International Monetary Fund.
Marcella Flood Chief Operations Officer
Responsible for leading across the key operations areas of the People Directorate, Information Management and Technology, Finance and Business Performance, along with  Currency, Workplace and Regulatory Services. 
Vasileios Madouros Deputy Governor, Monetary and Financial Stability
Responsible for Overseeing the Economics & Statistics, Financial Stability and Financial Operations Directorates and leads engagement with domestic, Eurosystem, and broader international stakeholders representing the Central Bank on wider financial system matters. 
Mary Elizabeth McMunn Deputy Governor, Financial Regulation
Responsible for leading the regulation and supervision of credit institutions, credit unions, payments/electronic money institutions and the insurance sector.  She is responsible for overseeing the Central Bank’s horizontal risk, data and analytics and regulatory policy functions and is responsible for leading the Central Bank’s regulatory policy at national, European and global level. 
Derville Rowland Deputy Governor, Consumer and  Investor Protection
Responsible for Consumer and Investor Protection, overseeing Retail Conduct, Securities and Markets Supervision as well as oversight of Anti-Money Laundering, Financial Sanctions and Enforcement.
Annmarie Britz Director of Finance and Business Performance
Responsible for leading the overall monitoring of organisational performance against strategic and operational KPI’s and business performance metrics. Also responsible for directing and overseeing (as appropriate) the Central Bank’s financial control, procurement and project management strategies and activities.
Glenn Calverley Director of Strategy and Governance
Responsible for the development, execution and monitoring of the Central Bank’s strategy including the development of the Central Bank’s medium to long term strategic direction and annual strategic plan, monitoring progress and signalling deviations to enable timely remedial action.
Mark Cassidy Director of Financial Stability
Responsible for the Central Bank's work to monitor threats to financial stability and provide advice on the use of macro-prudential tools, or other policy interventions, to mitigate those risks. Also responsible for enhancing the Central Bank’s financial crisis preparedness and management capabilities as well as preparing for, and managing, the orderly resolution of relevant financial institutions.
Gerry CrossDirector of Capital Markets and Funds
Responsible for leading and overseeing the supervision of the funds sector, investment firms, retail intermediaries and securities & markets. This involves supervision of individual firms and across the sector across all of the Bank’s regulatory and supervisory responsibilities (consumer & investor interests, safety & soundness, integrity of the system and financial stability).
Domhnall CullinanDirector of Banking & Payments
Responsible for leading and overseeing the supervision of domestic and international banks, credit unions, retail credit firms and payment and e-money firms. This involves supervision of individual firms and across the sector covering all of the Bank’s regulatory and supervisory responsibilities (consumer & investor interests, safety & soundness, integrity of the system and financial stability).
Seana CunninghamDirector  of Insurance
Responsible for leading and overseeing the supervision of the domestic and international (Re)Insurance undertakings. This involves supervision of individual firms and across the sector covering all of the Bank’s regulatory and supervisory responsibilities (consumer & investor interests, safety & soundness, integrity of the system and financial stability).
Louise Dennehy Chief Information Officer
Responsible for the development and implementation of the Central Bank’s Information Technology strategy, ensuring the efficient and secure operation of the Central Bank’s IT systems. The CIO is also responsible for defining and driving the Central Bank’s Data Management strategy and delivering technology components of business projects, with responsibility for oversight and delivery.
Patricia DunneDirector of Horizontal Supervision
Responsible for the leadership and oversight of the supervision of cross-sectoral and system-wide risks such as conduct, behaviour and culture, financial crime, financial resilience, operational resilience and technology risks. This cross-sectoral and system-wide approach is in partnership with the supervision teams focused on particular sectors.
Robert Kelly Director of Economics and Statistics
Responsible for domestic economic forecasts and analysis, contributing to the development of euro area monetary policy and the compiling of Irish financial statistics to inform decision making of the European Central Bank, the Government, financial services firms and the public.
Colm KincaidDirector of Enforcement
Responsible for leading and overseeing the Central Bank’s enforcement strategies, regulatory investigations and enforcement market abuse & oversight.
Anne Marie McKiernan Director Of Financial Operations
Responsible for overseeing the core elements of the Central Bank’s Balance sheet, managing the Central Bank’s investment assets, developing and implementing Eurosystem monetary policy operation, leading payments policy development, operating the Irish component of Eurosystem’s payments and settlements infrastructures, and promoting the safety and efficiency of payment and securities settlements.
William Molloy Chief People Officer
Responsible for the development and implementation of the Central Bank’s People strategy to enable and facilitate the development of a progressive, effective and efficient organisation, which is a fulfilling place to work.
Karen O'LearyDirector of Currency, Workplace and Regulatory Services
Responsible for the provision of a fulfilling, safe and secure working environment through both the Workplace Services and Facilities Management Division and the Security Division.  Also oversees the delivery of the Bank's currency services from the Currency Centre, whilst ensuring an adequate supply of high quality banknotes and coin for society to function through the Currency Management Division.
Adrian VarleyDirector of Supervisory Risk, Analytics and Data
Responsible for leading and overseeing the Bank’s supervisory framework and implementation of an integrated strategy, risk analysis and methodology in our supervisory approach, and undertaking quality assurance of our supervisory activities. A central Fitness & Probity function is also in the Directorate.
Elaine Byrne Registrar of Credit Unions
Responsible for regulation and supervision of the credit unions in Ireland, including delivery of an appropriate regulatory framework, supervisory engagement model and approach to restructuring and resolution. The Registrar is also responsible for leading the Registry of Credit Unions team and setting its strategic direction for the credit union sector.
Simon Sloan Chief Of Staff
Responsible for Advising the Governor on a wide range of topics on economic and policy issues and ensuring that he/she is suitably appraised, informed and prepared for all engagements both internal and external to the Bank.
TBC Director of Policy & International Directorate
Responsible for leading and overseeing developing and influencing regulatory policy at domestic, European and international level. The Directorate is also focused on the Bank’s international footprint and the role it plays in international financial institutions.


'Relevant Bodies' exempted under the Transparency Code

Section 5(5)(n) of the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 provides that communications between members of certain types of working groups, task forces, advisory groups or committees established by a Minister or public service body may be exempt communications (and thus not regarded as lobbying activities), provided they meet the definition of a 'relevant body' provided for in section 5(6) of the Act.

Further details on the Transparency Code can be found on the Transparency Code section of the website.

For Further Information regarding the Act see

Please contact Internal Governance for further information or advice.