Prospectus Regulatory Framework Q&A Archive

This page contains an archive of Q&A documents relating to the Prospectus Regulatory Framework.

The Prospectus Regulatory Framework Q&A sets out answers to queries likely to arise in relation to the Prospectus (Regulation (EU) 2017/1129), the Irish Regulations (S.I. No. 380 of 2019) and the Central Bank’s Prospectus Rules (Part 4 of S.I. No. 366 of 2019). It is published in order to assist in limiting uncertainty. It is not relevant to assessing compliance with regulatory requirements. You should check the website from time to time in relation to any matter of importance to you to see if the position has altered.

Read the current edition of our Q&A document, which was published on 4th March 2024, on our Regulatory Requirements and Guidance page.