Central Bank of Ireland Markets Update Issue 7 2018 - 04 May 2018 Central Bank of Ireland Innovation and technology in financial services: a regulatory perspective - Director General Financial Conduct Derville Rowland Central Bank publishes Thirtieth Edition of the Central Bank AIFMD Q&A Document RegTech Roundtable on 5 April Supplementary Post Trade Deferral Regime under Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 (“MiFIR”) RegTech in Securities and Markets Regulation - Colm Kincaid, Director of Securities and Markets Supervision Brexit: Where to Next? - Deputy Governor Ed Sibley The Role of the Central Bank in Consumer Protection- Director General, Financial Conduct Derville Rowland The Asset Management Sector– supervisory insights with a changing landscape - Michael Hodson, Director of Asset Management Supervision Capital Markets Union - An updated regulatory perspective - Gerry Cross, Director of Policy and Risk The Asset Management Sector – insights on the regulatory landscape - Michael Hodson, Director of Asset Management Supervision International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) IOSCO issues recommendations to improve regulatory reporting and transparency in corporate bond markets European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) ESMA announces Meet-the-Market workshop on ESEF in Warsaw 28 May ESMA publishes translations for Guidelines on transfer of data between TRs ESMA launches bond liquidity system under MiFID II The ESAs conclude a multilateral Memorandum of Understanding with the EFTA Surveillance Authority ESMA Chair Maijoor speech at ILF Conference 2018 on CCP resolution ESMA publishes the 22nd extract from the EECS database ESMA updates bonds transparency calculations for MiFID II/MiFIR ESAs appoint new members to the Board of Appeal ESMA publishes a negative opinion on an accepted market practice on liquidity contracts proposed by the French AMF ESMA responds to the Article 29 Working Party consultation ESMA extends its operational-risk analysis ESMA study shows impact of short-selling disclosure on investor behaviour EU financial regulators warn against risks for EU financial markets, Brexit, asset repricing and cyber-attacks key risks ESMA publishes the responses to its Consultations on Securitisation ESMA updates its double volume cap register ESMA asks Commission to clarify ancillary activity test under MiFID II ESMA data shows EU exchange-traded-derivatives market volumes at €200tn ESMA publishes the calculations for the March DVC ESMA agrees position limits under MiFID II Canada and South Africa continue to meet requirements for endorsement ESMA finds high degree of asset concentration in EU alternative fund industry ESMA proposes simplifications to prospectuses format and content ESMA continues to focus on convergence in enforcement of IFRS across the EU Webinar: ESMA staff updates on use of LEI ESMA publishes official translations for three sets of Guidelines under CSDR Please note that this Markets Update is intended to be a general summary only and does not purport to constitute an interpretation of, or the Central Bank’s position on, any of the legislative provisions, rules, requirements or guidance referenced herein. In case of any doubt, you should refer to the relevant legislative provision, rule, requirement or guidance document as applicable. The staff of the Central Bank are not authorised and cannot give you legal advice; you should seek this from your own legal advisor, if required.