Access the Beneficial Ownership Register
Updated: 6 March 2025
The Beneficial Ownership Register is a central register of the beneficial owners of Certain Financial Vehicles (CFV), pursuant to Article 30(3) of 4AMLD.
Beneficial Ownership Register of Certain Financial Vehicle (March 2025) | pdf 917 KB
Request further information from the Register
To request further information from the Register, send an email to [email protected].
Competent Authorities
The email must include the:
- Name of the requestor
- Name of the relevant CFV (Note: Find CFV names in the Beneficial Ownership Register above)
Designated Persons as defined by Part 4 (25(1)(a-j) of the Criminal Justice Act 2010
A BOR 4 Form – Designated Person Access Request must be completed and returned to [email protected] for each access request.
BOR 4 Form - Designated Person Access Request | pdf 364 KB
As outlined in the BOR 4 Form above, independent evidence of active designated person status must also be provided with the completed form. We will then process your request.
Other persons
If not a competent authority or designated person, access to information on the Register may be granted only where a legitimate interest can be demonstrated.
A BOR 5 Form – Legitimate Interest, must be completed and returned to [email protected].
BOR 5 Form - Legitimate Interest | pdf 745 KB
Evidence as referenced in the BOR5 Form must be provided with the completed form. Your request will then be processed. The Registrar will consider each application on a case-by-case basis.
For information in relation to the 'Register of Beneficial Ownership of Companies and Industrial and Provident Societies', visit
For information in relation to the Central Register of Beneficial Ownership of Trusts, visit
Contact Us
If you have any further questions about the Register
Email: [email protected]