Securities Issues Statistics - October 2016

12 December 2016 Press Release
View information release with charts and related data tables.

Trends in financing of all Irish-resident entities

  • The outstanding amount of debt securities issued by Irish resident entities (including Government) was €736.9 billion at end-October 2016, which was a fall of 14.3 per cent year-on year. Over the same period, the outstanding amount of debt securities issued by euro area residents decreased by just over one per cent.
  • Debt financing for the banking sector stood at €54.5 billion at the end of October 2016, a decrease of €9.5 billion compared to the same month last year.
  • Quoted shares had a market capitalisation of €535.5 billion at end-October which represented a decrease of 5.1 per cent over the year. The value of the stock of quoted shares issued by euro area residents decreased by 2.4 per cent over the year to end-September.

Banking Sector

At the end of October 2016, the outstanding amount of debt securities issued by the monetary financial institutions (MFI) sector was €54.5 billion, a fall of nearly €2 billion since last month – (Charts 1 & 3). Over the year to October 2016, the outstanding amount of bank bonds decreased by 14.9 per cent. This reflected a decrease of €7.6 billion in long-term debt securities, and a decrease of €2 billion in short-term debt securities. Long-term debt securities account for 75.2 per cent of the total debt securities issued by the banking sector.

Over the twelve months to end-September, the total outstanding amount of debt securities for the banking sector across the euro area decreased by 4.6 per cent.

The market value of equities in the banking sector in Ireland fell by 13.3 per cent over the year to stand at €21.9 billion as of October 2016 (Charts 2 & 3).

Other Financial Intermediaries

The outstanding amount of debt securities issued by the other financial institutions (OFI)  [1] sector increased by €11.8 billion in October to stand at €544.5 billion (Charts 4 & 6). This was 16.8 per cent lower compared to October 2015. Long term debt securities account for 95.5 per cent of the total debt securities issued by the OFI sector.

Over the past twelve months, the total outstanding amount of debt securities for the OFI sector across the euro area decreased by 3.9 per cent.

In October 2016, the value of the quoted shares in the OFI sector in Ireland was €18.7 billion, a decrease of €310 million over the month. There was a decrease of 5.9 per cent over the year (Charts 5 & 6).

Non-Financial Corporations

The value of the quoted shares in the non-financial corporations (NFC) sector decreased by €21.6 billion (4.2 per cent) over the month of October to stand at €494.7 billion. This decreased by 4.7 per cent over the year. The October total represents a fall back of €59.1 billion since the high point of July 2015 (Charts 7 & 9).

Over the past twelve months, the total market capitalisation for equities for NFCs in the euro area increased by 5.4 per cent.

The outstanding amount of debt securities issued by NFCs increased year-on-year by €98 million to stand at €11.6 billion at end October 2016 (Charts 8 & 9).

Detailed tables can be found on the Central Bank of Ireland’s website here. The data are largely compiled from the ESCB Centralised Securities Database.


[1] The OFI sector data presented here includes issuance by entities classified within the Financial Auxiliaries (FA) or Captive Financial Institutions (CFI) sectors, albeit the identified amounts are insignificant at present. It is intended to produce a more complete sectoral disaggregation in the near future.