Demographics of applications for regulatory approval for senior financial roles released
07 March 2018
Press Release

- Report breaks down applications for regulatory
approval by age, gender and country of origin.
- The Central Bank remains concerned by the continued
evidence of a lack of diversity at senior level in regulated firms.
- Some small improvements in banking, asset
management and credit union sectors, but overall percentage of applications for
regulatory approval for female appointments to senior level roles is unchanged
from 2016, at 22%.
Read the full report (PDF 1.01MB)
the Central Bank of Ireland publishes an analysis of over 3,600 applications received
in 2017 for approval to occupy senior roles within regulated firms in Ireland
(under the Fitness and Probity regime).
report breaks down the applications for regulatory approval by gender, age and
country of origin. This is the second
time that the Central Bank has published such data, having published in 2017 (PDF 0.96MB) a
breakdown by gender of applications received in the period 2012 to 2016.
In the banking, credit union and asset
management sectors there have been increases of between 5 and 6% in the
proportion of women being offered senior level roles in 2017. A dis-improvement
in the securities and markets sector, which has the largest number of overall
applications, means there is no change from 2016 in the headline figure of 22%
of senior roles being filled by women.
The data continues to show a pronounced gender imbalance at board level and in revenue
generating roles. At the board level, there were small increases in the number of female
applicants for the most senior roles compared with previous years, but
imbalances remain a cause for serious concern. In 2017, 18% of applicants
for executive director roles were female, compared with 15% in 2016. For
chair of the board roles, 14% of applicants were female (12% in 2016) and for
chief executive roles, 16% of applicants were female (12% in 2016).
The Central Bank has committed to publishing
this report on an annual basis as part of its continued focus on the importance
of diversity in regulated firms.
Ed Sibley, Deputy Governor, Prudential Regulation said:
welcome that there were increases in gender diversity in the applications for
senior roles in some financial services sectors in 2017. However, this was from
very low levels and major imbalances remain. Much more needs to be done.
is strong evidence that diversity, in all its forms, can mitigate the risk of
groupthink, improve decision-making, increase the effectiveness of internal challenge
and enhance the culture within firms. In my own experience, a lack of diversity
at senior management and board level in organisations is a leading indicator of
elevated behaviour and culture risks, and consequently prudential and conduct
it is disappointing to see that there has not been an improvement in the overall
proportion of women filling the most senior roles in financial firms in Ireland
over the past year. The Central Bank will, therefore, continue to prioritise driving
meaningful change in the levels of diversity at senior levels in regulated
financial services firms.”
- “Application” or “applicant” refers to applications
to the Central Bank for approval of individuals who have been offered senior
level roles by firms. It is not a reference to the number of applications
financial firms received for roles. Applications are made when the individual has
already been offered a role, contingent on approval from the Central Bank.
Deputy Governor Ed Sibley most recently spoke
about the importance of diversity and explained what steps the Central Bank is
taking to increase the focus on diversity in firms in a speech to the Fusion
Network on 13 February 2018. Governor Lane also spoke
recently on this topic at the European Financial Forum on 31
January 2018.
- The Central Bank of Ireland Fitness
and Probity Standards provide that individuals performing particular
roles to, inter alia, be: competent and capable; honest, ethical and to act
with integrity; and financially sound. The fitness and probity regime was introduced in December 2011. It is an
important tool used by the Central Bank to fulfil its mandate of protecting
consumers and safeguarding stability. The regime was significantly strengthened
after the financial crisis, with firms required to have individuals
pre-approved for senior level roles.
- There are 48 Pre-Approval Controlled Functions,
covering both board and management level appointees