Central Bank of Ireland Markets Update Issue 9 2017 - 20 November 2017 Central Bank of Ireland Central Bank Feedback Statement on CP 111 Industry letter – Contingency Planning Post Brexit for Investment Funds Central Bank publishes Twenty-seventh Edition of AIFMD Q&A Central Bank publishes Twenty-first Edition of UCITS Q&A Revised regulatory technical and implementing standards with regard to EMIR trade reporting Regulation in a changing environment: some regulatory issues relevant to the Irish funds sector - Gerry Cross, Director of Policy and Risk Brexit – The drive for supervisory convergence - Sylvia Cronin, Director of Insurance Supervision The Board’s role in achieving compliance with CP86, Fund Management Companies Guidance - Michael Hodson, Director of Asset Management Supervision European Banking Authority (EBA) EBA provides guidance to authorities and institutions on Brexit relocations International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) IOSCO reports on implementation of G20/FSB recommendations to strengthen securities markets IOSCO Call for Comments on reforms to the global audit standard-setting process IOSCO publishes updates to peer reviews of regulation of MMFs and securitization European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) ESMA highlights ICO risks for investors and firms ESMA updates Q&A on CSDR implementation ESMA clarifies endorsement regime for third-country credit ratings ESMA consults on calculation of derivative positions ESMA publishes final report on Money Market Funds rules ESMA updates its MiFID II Q&As on transparency ESMA updates MiFID II Q&A on market structure issues ESMA updates MiFID II Q&A on commodity derivatives ESMA updates Q&A on MiFIR data reporting ESMA clarifies trading obligation for shares under MiFID II ESMA registers Kroll Bond Rating Agency Europe Limited as a credit rating agency MiFID II: ESMA consults on systematic internalisers’ quote rules ESMA updates its Q&As on MiFID II/MiFIR Investor Protection topics ESMA updates benchmarks Q&As on third country issues ESMA publishes the 21st Extract from the EECS’s Database of Enforcement ESMA updates its Q&A under the Alternative Performance Measures guidelines ESMA listed issuers must focus on new IFRS standards in 2017 annual financial reports ESMA agrees MiFID II position limits proposed by FCA ESMA updates its Q&A on Prospectuses ESMA receives mandate on fund performance from European Commission ESMA produces first overview of EU derivative markets size ESMA publishes the responses to its Consultation on Guidelines on certain aspects of the MiFID II suitability requirements ESMA publishes the responses to its Consultation on technical advice under the new Prospectus Regulation ESMA issues Q&As on MiFID II implementation for post-trading issues ESMA launches key MiFID II and MAR financial instrument reference database ESMA updates list of recognised third-country CCPs ESMA highlights preparations for MiFID II and Brexit as key issues at ECON hearing ESMA highlights importance of LEI for MiFIDII/MiFIR compliance Please note that this Markets Update is intended to be a general summary only and does not purport to constitute an interpretation of, or the Central Bank’s position on, any of the legislative provisions, rules, requirements or guidance referenced herein. In case of any doubt, you should refer to the relevant legislative provision, rule, requirement or guidance document as applicable. The staff of the Central Bank are not authorised and cannot give you legal advice; you should seek this from your own legal advisor, if required.