Central Bank of Ireland Markets Update Issue 6 2021 - 29 April 2021 Central Bank of Ireland Statement on Application of the temporary suspension of the obligation to publish RTS 27 reports Central Bank of Ireland Consultation Paper on Crowdfunding Marketing Requirements Central Bank of Ireland launches CP142 Consultation on Prospectus Fees and Service Standards Remarks by the Director General, Financial Conduct At the International Fraud Prevention Conference 2021 European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) ESMA enters final stage in the registration of the first securitisation repositories ESMA highlights need for increased efforts on EMIR and SFTR data quality Retail clients continue to lose out due to high investment products costs ESMA updates its LEI Statement ESMA issues latest double volume cap data ESMA publishes interim templates for STS synthetic securitisation notifications ESMA publishes Annual Peer Review of EU CCP Supervision ESMA makes recommendations for Organised Trading Facilities under MiFID II/MiFIR ESMA report highlights liquidity concerns for Alternative Investment Funds ESMA publishes draft Regulatory Technical Standards on changes to CCPs’ activities and models ESMA publishes Final Report on SME Growth Markets ESAs publish joint Annual Report for 2020 ESMA updates its Q&As on MiFID II and MiFIR market structures topics ESMA updates SFTR Q&As ESMA publishes 2020 report on enforcement of corporate disclosure ESMA publishes Guidelines on periodic information for Trade Repositories EU financial regulators warn of an expected deterioration of asset quality The European Supervisory Authorities issue a report on the application of their Guidelines on complaints-handling Please note that this Markets Update is intended to be a general summary only and does not purport to constitute an interpretation of, or the Central Bank’s position on, any of the legislative provisions, rules, requirements or guidance referenced herein. In case of any doubt, you should refer to the relevant legislative provision, rule, requirement or guidance document as applicable. The staff of the Central Bank are not authorised and cannot give you legal advice; you should seek this from your own legal advisor, if required.