Central Bank of Ireland Markets Update Issue 1 2018 - 02 January 2018 Central Bank of Ireland Second edition of the Central Bank Investment Firms Regulations 2017 Fourth Edition of the Central Bank Investment Firms Q&A Benchmarks Regulation Central Bank of Ireland has updated its FAQs in relation to EMIR Central Bank publishes Twenty-Eighth Edition of AIFMD Q&A Central Bank publishes Twenty-Second Edition of UCITS Q&A Central Bank publishes revised Notice on its Implementation of Competent Authority Options and Discretions in the European Union (Capital Requirements) Regulations 2014 and Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 Fund Administrator Outsourcing Guidance Some Regulatory Priorities for 2018 – Gerry Cross, Director of Policy and Risk Exchange Traded Funds: stability and growth - Remarks by Director General, Derville Rowland Opening statement by Gerry Cross, Director of Policy and Risk at the Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach The Evolving Regulatory Architecture: A Supervisory Perspective - Gerry Cross, Director of Policy and Risk European Commission Review of the prudential framework for investment firms European Banking Authority (EBA) ESAs publish final draft technical standards amending margin requirements for non-centrally cleared OTC derivatives ESAs publish amended technical standards on the mapping of ECAIs International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) International standard-setting bodies launch surveys on incentives to centrally clear OTC derivatives trades IOSCO reports on implementation of G20/FSB recommendations to strengthen securities markets IOSCO publishes updates to peer reviews of regulation of MMFs and securitization European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) ESMA seeks two candidates as consumer representatives for its Stakeholder Representative Group ESMA updated its EMIR Q&A ESMA updates Q&A on MiFIR data reporting ESMA publishes updated key transparency calculations for MiFIDII/MiFIR implementation ESMA updates its CFI validations for MiFID II ESMA review finds good supervision of CCPs’ default management ESMA advises the commission on specific elements of the short-selling regulation ESMA publishes CRA market share calculation ESMA issues statement on LEI implementation under MiFID II Update on Bench registers from 3 January 2018 ESMA publishes translations for MiFID II guidelines on the management body of market operators and drsps ESMA updates MiFID II trading halts procedure ESMA consults on securitisation requirements ESMA provides guidance on cross-border investment services and MiFID transposition ESMA updates its MiFID II Q&As on transparency and market structures ESMA updates its Q&As on MiFID II/MiFIR Investor Protection topics ESMA issues updated statement on preparatory work in relation to CFDs, binary options and other speculative products offered to retail clients New rules make EU issuers’ annual financial reports machine-readable ESMA provides further guidance for transactions on 3rd country trading venues for post-trade transparency and position limits under MiFID II/MiFIR MiFID II: ESMA updates on commodity derivatives ESMA provides overview of MiFID II deferral regimes ESMA Consults on draft RTS for prospectuses ESMA updates MAR Q&As ESMA updates its CSDR Q&A ESMA updates MiFID II Q&As on post-trading issues ESMA updates its EMIR Q&A ESMA publishes key transparency calculations for MiFIDII/MiFIR implementation ESMA updates Q&As on the Benchmarks Regulation Update on MiFID II registers from 3 January 2018 ESMA latest Risk Dashboard sees no change in overall risk levels ESMA updates Q&A on MAR ESMA opens a call for experts for the Consultative Working Group of ESMA’s Corporate Finance Standing Committee ECB, ESMA and FSMA seek participants for Euro Risk-Free Rates Working Group ESMA publishes MiFID compliance function peer review results ESMA registers NEX Abide Trade Repository AB as a trade repository ESMA issues clarification on the rotation periods of CRA’s analysts Please note that this Markets Update is intended to be a general summary only and does not purport to constitute an interpretation of, or the Central Bank’s position on, any of the legislative provisions, rules, requirements or guidance referenced herein. In case of any doubt, you should refer to the relevant legislative provision, rule, requirement or guidance document as applicable. The staff of the Central Bank are not authorised and cannot give you legal advice; you should seek this from your own legal advisor, if required.