Central Bank publishes a notice of intention to amend the Central Bank Prospectus Handbook and a notice of intention to amend the Central Bank Transparency Guidance

Securities Markets Regulation

Date: 14 September 2018

Today, the Central Bank published a Notice of Intention to Amend the Central Bank Prospectus Handbook and a Notice of Intention to Amend the Central Bank Transparency Guidance.   Central Bank Transparency Guidance is set out in the document entitled “Transparency Rules” available on the Central Bank website (PDF 739.58KB).

The amendments proposed will affect submissions under the Prospectus legislative regime and under the Transparency legislative regime. In particular, “submission templates” containing details related to each submission will be required for most submission types. The changes outlined in the notices are currently expected to come into effect from 8 October 2018 (the Effective Date) when the Central Bank will publish a revised Prospectus Handbook and revised Transparency Guidance.  It is currently intended that the new submission templates will be available to download from the Central Bank website on a rolling basis from 24 September 2018 and will be available here (in relation to prospectus submissions) and here (in relation to transparency submissions). From the Effective Date these submission templates will replace the template emails and forms that are currently used to submit documents to the Central Bank under the Prospectus legislative regime. However, the Central Bank strongly encourages market participants to commence using the new submission templates when submitting documents to the Central Bank under the Prospectus and Transparency legislative regimes from the date the new submission templates are published on the Central Bank website.

Given the limited nature of the amendments, a formal consultation is not being carried out by the Central Bank. Comments may be submitted for consideration, while arrangements are being finalised, as set out in each of the notices.