ESMA issues clarifications on the clearing obligation and trading obligation for pension scheme arrangements
23 August 2018
On 8th
August 2018, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) issued an updated
statement on the
clearing obligation and trading obligation for pension scheme arrangements
(PSAs), with the objective to avoid, to the extent possible, disruption to
certain PSAs who may face potential challenges clearing their OTC derivative
contracts and trading them on trading venues on 17 August 2018, when the
current, and final, exemption from the clearing obligation under EMIR expires.
introduced a temporary exemption for PSAs from the clearing obligation to allow
time for a suitable technical solution for the transfer of non-cash collateral
as variation margins to be developed by CCPs. With the two possible extensions
already granted, there is no possibility to further extend this temporary
exemption under EMIR. However, a further extension of the temporary exemption
is part of the Refit negotiations. Furthermore, MiFIR exempts financial
counterparties exempted from the clearing obligation under EMIR from the
trading obligation for derivatives.
updated statement clarifies that also for the purpose of the trading
obligation, ESMA expects competent authorities to not prioritise their
supervisory actions towards entities that are expected to be exempted again in
a relatively short period of time, and to generally apply their risk-based
supervisory powers in their day-to-day enforcement of applicable legislation in
a proportionate manner. Nevertheless, ESMA would encourage PSAs to trade
on trading venues.