Central Bank publishes response to the Department of Finance Funds Sector 2030 Review


Date: 01 November 2023

On 17 October 2023, the Central Bank published its response to the Department of Finance Funds Sector 2030 Review.

 The Central Bank supports the Department of Finance Review of the investment funds sector with the objective of ensuring that the sector is resilient and that it delivers value for investors and for the Irish and European economies. In this regard, the Central Bank’s submission sets out five priority areas that the Central Bank believes will be critical to the future development of the investment funds sector in Ireland:

  1. Delivering Positive Outcomes for the Domestic Economy and Investors;
  2. Developing a MacroPrudential Framework for Investment Funds;
  3. Maintaining Regulatory Effectiveness;
  4. Sustainable Finance, and;
  5. Digital Transformation.

 The Central Bank’s response to the Review is available in full here