Guidance on Consumer Protection Code 2025
Alongside the publication of the Consumer Code 2025, we have published guidance to support firms in implementing the requirements.
Guidance on Securing Customers’ Interests
Guidance on Securing Customers’ Interests outlines our expectations of firms in meeting their obligations under the Standards for Business to secure customers’ interests.
This guidance is designed to assist firms by setting out what firms need to consider, the actions they need to take and the mindset they should have towards their customers, to effectively comply with their obligation to secure the interests of their customers. This will support firms to effectively implement all of their consumer protection obligations.
Guidance on Securing Customers' Interests Guidance | pdf 1076 KB
Guidance on Protecting Consumers in Vulnerable Circumstances
Guidance on Protecting Consumers in Vulnerable Circumstances sets out the background to the definition and approach to vulnerability under the revised Code, and describes our expectations of firms in meeting their obligations under the Code.
This guidance can support firms in adopting the right mindset and culture to effectively support consumers in vulnerable circumstances. We are seeking to embed an understanding of vulnerability within the culture of firms, and to ensure that the needs of consumers in vulnerable circumstances – and a commitment to addressing these needs – is an integral part of a firm’s customer focus. This will allow firms to be prepared and able to assist when they engage with consumers in vulnerable circumstances.
Guidance on Protecting Consumers in Vulnerable Circumstances | pdf 1021 KB
General Code Guidance
General Code Guidance provides guidance for firms to support implementation of the broader requirements of the revised Code. This guidance incorporates and updates the existing Code guidance, and includes new guidance on the changes under the revised Code, which was informed by feedback received during the consultation process.
General Guidance on the Consumer Protection Code | pdf 1364 KB