

ECB Listens - Monetary Policy Strategy Review

When 30 October 2020 12:00 AM
Where ECB Listens Portal

The ECB has launched its monetary policy strategy review and wants to hear from citizens across Europe.

Watch Governor Gabriel Makhlouf talk about the launch of the strategy review and how you can have you say.

Whether you are saving, borrowing, spending or investing, price stability matters to all of us in our everyday activities. As the ECB’s mandate is to secure price stability, they want to listen to your ideas and concerns before deciding on a future strategy.

The last review of the ECB’s strategy dates back to 2003. Since then there have been fundamental changes in Europe’s economy, and development like globalisation, digitalisation, ageing populations and climate change pose new challenges for the economy and for the ECB’s strategy.

The ECB is looking for your feedback on four topics:

  1. What does price stability mean for you?
  2. What are your economic expectations and concerns?
  3. What other topics matter to you?
  4. How can the ECB best communicate with you?


You can provide your feedback on the ECB Listens Portal until the end of October.