Make a Complaint against a Financial Service Provider

Please note the Central Bank of Ireland does not investigate individual consumer complaints.

1. Inform the Financial Services Provider of your Complaint

Complaints against financial institutions or complaints about financial services should first be discussed with the financial institution concerned. All regulated financial services firms must have a complaints handling procedure in place as per our Consumer Protection Code.

2. Refer your Complaint to the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman

If you are not happy with the response from the financial services provider, you have the right to refer the complaint to the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman (FSPO).

The FSPO deals with complaints:

  • against financial services firms, including financial advisors and financial products
  • about any person responsible for managing your employer pension scheme or PRSA.

3. Guide to Making a Complaint

The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission's personal finance website has a three step guide  to help you, should you wish to make a complaint against a regulated financial service provider.

4. Central Bank of Ireland

Please note that the Central Bank of Ireland does not investigate individual consumer complaints.

However, we welcome information from consumers of financial products. The information thus obtained may be used in carrying out our prudential and supervisory activity, however due to secrecy laws we cannot disclose the details of any action that we might take on foot of the information provided.

Contact the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman if you wish to seek personal redress.