Industry Funding Levy Information for Retail Credit Firms, Home Reversion Firms and Credit Servicing Firms

M1 - Retail Credit Firms

M2 - Home Reversion Firms

M3 - Credit Servicing Firms

Each firm within the above categories M1-M3 that has been authorised, or deemed authorised (as appropriate) by the Central Bank of Ireland shall be liable to pay the levy contribution corresponding to its impact category as set out in Table 1 below:  

Table 1

Retail Credit, Credit Servicing & Home Reversion Firms

Levy Payable per Impact Category



Retail Credit Firms



Credit Servicing Firms


Home Reversion Firms


Please refer to the Funding Strategy and Guide to the 2023 Industry Funding Regulations for an update on a separate communication which issued recently to the CSF/RCF sector relating to increased regulatory scrutiny and impact on levies for 2022, 2023 and 2024.

Click here to read more on the annual levying process