Our Data

Statistics and data are vital tools to support our research and analysis activities. In addition to being the main compiler of official Irish financial statistics in Ireland, we collect and analyse a wide range of data in support of various aspects of our mandate. Data is a public good. Recognising that, we want to make our data increasingly accessible to external researchers. Our published data and commentary covers areas such as credit and deposits developments, mortgage arrears, interest rates, investment funds, securities markets developments, quarterly financial accounts and the National Claims Information Database. 

Catalogue and data access

We publish a large volume of statistics, data and commentary.  We regularly develop new statistical products in line with the needs of users such as policy makers, members of the public, industry and researchers.

Our datasets include:

  • Balance Sheet Data – detailed firm level balance sheet positions and transactions for banks, investment funds, insurance companies, pension funds, securitisation vehicles (monthly or quarterly frequency)
  • Credit – we maintain very detailed loan level and borrower level datasets on credit, including the Central Credit Register, loan level banking data and a European-integrated loan-level database called AnaCredit
  • Securities and financial markets – granular security level data on all securities issued and securities holding by different economic sectors. We also access high frequency transaction-by-transaction data on money market transactions underpinning the Euro short-term rate (€STR).

We are close to finalising our Research Data Catalogue, which will provide high level information on research and analytical datasets available within the organisation. The catalogue will provide simple descriptions of research datasets used in the Central Bank, including their purpose and coverage.  It aims to promote awareness, openness and transparency around the different data, as well as stimulating ideas for joint research projects aligned to the Central Bank of Ireland’s research agenda.  Ireland is home to a large, diverse and internationally interconnected financial sector, and the data collected by the Central bank holds many research possibilities.  While the externally published datasets follow international best practice in terms of ensuring statistical confidentiality, there are several pathways available to jointly work on micro-data in a secure and controlled manner, including the visiting researcher programme, PhD internship programme, and external experts programme.

View our statistical guidance for various sectors to get a detailed view  of some of the data reported to the Central Bank.