Our Strategy (2022 – 2026)

Transcript of the video "Our Strategy" | (Ensure cookies are turned "on" to load the video above)

Finalised in September 2021 and effective from January 2022, Central Bank of Ireland's new Strategy is designed to ensure we can meet the challenges of a changing world and deliver on our mission and vision.

Our Strategy will enable us to continue to fulfil the objective set out in the Central Bank Act 1942, which states that our “constant and predominant aim shall be the welfare of the people as a whole”.

Central Bank of Ireland – Our Strategy | pdf 5966 KB

Reviewing Progress on Our Strategy

June 2024

2024 marks the halfway point in delivering our five-year Strategy.  We are now reviewing our progress and evaluating developments in the operating environment to understand whether we need to change any aspects of our long-term strategic direction and/or key strategic priorities.

As part of our review, we welcome the views of members of the public, businesses, academics, regulated firms, or industry representatives.

Find out more and provide your input to this review.

Strategic Themes

Our Strategy centres around four strategic themes.

Our Strategy – Themes

How Our Strategy Was Developed

Achieving the target outcomes of our Strategy will require us to continue to manage our resources, risks and priorities, as we navigate the complex and evolving context in which we work.

In developing our new strategy, we sought the views of our people through multiple focus groups, engagement sessions and meetings with our internal Corporate Social Responsibility and Diversity and Inclusion networks.

We also invited civil society advocacy groups and industry members to share their views on our strategic priorities at a series of listening events in 2021. And we engaged with external stakeholders through a public engagement process on our website.

We have published a report containing the submissions we received as part of this process.

Our Strategy – Public Engagement – Submissions Received | pdf 2948 KB

Previous Strategic Plans

See also: